Foodies Venture 餐飲創投

HK government conducts strict inspection on seafood imported from Japan and finds no excessive radiation levels

The HK government stated that the Japanese government unilaterally discharged nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant into the sea.  Therefore, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has already issued a “Food Safety Order” banning the import of aquatic products, sea salt and seaweed foods from 10 Japanese prefectures into Hong Kong.  Banned regions include Tokyo, Fukushima and Ibaraki.  As for other Japanese aquatic products, sea salt and seaweed that are not prohibited from being imported into Hong Kong, the Center for Food Safety will also conduct comprehensive radiation level testing.

As of noon on August 29, the Center for Food Safety had tested 122 food samples of “aquatic products and their products, seaweed and sea salt” imported from Japan for radiation levels, and found no radiation levels exceeding safety standards.  At the same time, the Hong Kong Observatory has also stepped up monitoring of environmental radiation levels in Hong Kong waters, and no abnormalities have been found so far.  
